Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions, Part 2

It's the second day for my new year's resolutions, so here's number 2....

2. Be less stressed! With grad school starting back up, it's very easy for me to get stressed.
The plan:

First, I'm going to pray about it. This is the best thing I can do because God is always faithful to cast all of my cares upon himself.

I'm also going to do some hobbies that I enjoy and don't do as often, like going to the farmer's market....

...and gardening.

Go on more date nights! Being with my husband relaxes me because he's really good at having fun with me and not allowing me to feel guilty that I'm not doing something else that "I'm supposed to be doing".

And I'm going to buy some bubble bath, enough said.

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